Thirty Random Thing About Me
1. I relieve my stress by eating Petitzels or drinking soda. 2. I love Disney. I grew up watching Disney. Disney is metaphor of my childhood. I learned important values that I still hold today. Even though I was born in US, I can say I learned my English through Disney. For me, Disney did not only teach me values and language but also taught me about what story is. I believe every work that I do related to theatre and film is from what I unconsciously learned from it. 3. I believe being realistic does not mean being pessimistic or not being innocent. 4. For most cases, I love to make myself busy. I am known for having a busy life in KMLA. My busy life keeps me motivated because I know myself that I am doing activities that I really want to do. Such life taught me of responsibility and helped me know what I am interested in. 5. I love trees. I love nature. But trees are what I especially like. Back at home, there are trees that I go under when I want to organi...