Thirty Random Thing About Me

1. I relieve my stress by eating Petitzels or drinking soda.

2. I love Disney.
I grew up watching Disney. Disney is metaphor of my childhood. I learned important values that I still hold today. Even though I was born in US, I can say I learned my English through Disney. For me, Disney did not only teach me values and language but also taught me about what story is. I believe every work that I do related to theatre and film is from what I unconsciously learned from it.

3. I believe being realistic does not mean being pessimistic or not being innocent.

4. For most cases, I love to make myself busy.
I am known for having a busy life in KMLA. My busy life keeps me motivated because I know myself that I am doing activities that I really want to do. Such life taught me of responsibility and helped me know what I am interested in. 

5. I love trees.
I love nature. But trees are what I especially like. Back at home, there are trees that I go under when I want to organize my thoughts. Just looking at them fascinates me because I can feel their power struggling for survival. The very first tree that pops in my mind is the one that had all colors from green to yellow to red shaking by the wind. I was fourteen back then and that tree really made me think about the colors of the wind - time.

이미지: 사람 1명 이상, 텍스트, 실외

6. My sub-account name is Namu (tree in Korean) Han.
My name before birth was Namu since my mother loves trees, too. I made this account to really express my love and care for the people whom I could not convey my heart enough. Since it was my last year in KMLA, I thought this year was my last chance to do this. However, since two days after I uploaded one post, I was shy about what I did. So, I did not upload or accept any friend from then. I am waiting for another emotional moment that can shatter those feelings to upload another one. 

이미지: 사람 3명, 오윤진님 포함, 웃고 있음, 사람들이 서 있음, 실내

7. I find points that are enjoyable to me or at least meaningful from most things.
I think this is one of my strong points. This applies to people, activities, academics, films, music, and so on. 

8. I am sensitive. I absorb huge amount of information at once.
This is another point that I consider as my strong point. Being sensitive helps me to stay critical and have big thoughts(which I call them as huge rays and elephants in my head in my diary). 

9. I don’t talk about my concerns to others. I only talk about them after I finished the 
process of thinking and made a somewhat similar to a conclusion, because I could then illustrate my concerns precisely and clearly. But nowadays, I am practicing to express my thoughts in process unequivocally because I realized that handling vague thoughts is important. 

10. I am an expressive person at the same time.
I acted three plays on stage and one film. Also, I am an active participant in most classes. I am not afraid to express my ideas and emotions. Being an expressive person taught me a heavy weight for every moment I think out loud. On the last stage as a LID member, feeling my enlarged point of view that does not only remain on stage but to audience, I felt responsibility for every word and body language. 

11. I love to see the flow of emotions in any situations. I enjoy diverse colors of emotions and love to observe and think about them.

12. I am great at keeping secrets.

13. My nose bone is growing.
My parents told me when I was in US, people said "Flat nose! So cute!" to me. Maybe they had never seen such flat nose in their lives. The only uncomfortable thing about my flat nose is that it makes my glasses keep falling off. But other than that, I like my nose. But recently, I feel growth pain in my nose bone like I did felt from my feet. And my nose bone really did grow. There is now something between my eyes. My aunt with the high nose told me that hers were also created later on. So I think that it is really happening.

14. I hardly contact people with no reason. 

15. By the way, I love humans.

16. My sisters and I wear the same necklaces since Christmas two years ago. (They were from Santa Clause. My second sister and I still get presents from Santa because my parents want to protect the belief my youngest sister has.) 
I love my sisters. We fought a lot when we were young. But now that the youngest one is thirteen, we are best friends. 

17. I love Christmas. It is my favorite time of the year. I love the whole ambivalence Christmas has. I cannot wait for Christmas to come!

18. I love a film ‘High School Musical.’ This was one of many reasons why I chose KMLA, because I expected life in KMLA would be like the film. 

<First day in KMLA - the day I knew nothing about what would going to happen in KMLA - so cheerful>

19. I want to dye my hair blue after watching a film ‘The Eternal Sunshine’ in the plane to Korea from the vision trip. 

eternal sunshine에 대한 이미지 검색결과

20. I have only one Halloween costume that I wore once when I was eight. It is the Snow Queen’s dress. I hated to wear it. But now I think it is pretty but just too small for me.

21. I did a lot of activities related to acting in KMLA, which is a totally unexpected thing for me. I am very thankful for all those uneasy but fun moments. 

22. The careers I wanted to do have frequently changed and varied. But all of them are in the category of creating and designing ideas. 

23. I eat all foods well except insects and fermented fish.

24. When I listen to music, lyrics are more important than a melody. So even though the music itself does not have a catchy melody, if the lyrics are very relatable, that song becomes my jam.

25. I have a specific taste for the style of tops but do not care about the style of pants, socks, or shoes.

26. After I had an experience of loss, I constantly think about the marks people would leave on me and the marks I would leave on them which will let me remember of them or be remembered by them, even after we can never see each other again.

27. I can spend days at one museum. Going back to the British Museum to be there for a week is one of my bucket lists, because with two hours given to me during the Vision Trip, I could only see one sector of the museum. The Ancient Egypt Sector is the part I really want to see.

28. I have a friend named Lucy who is a star. I met her when I was twelve. She was always in the middle of the sky which I can see at the bench I always sit on. But since I was sixteen, I never saw her again.

29. I want to visit the Sea of Stars in Maldives, which is also one of my bucket lists.

30. I keep five postcards of the architecture Le Corbusier on my dorm shelves.
Those postcards remind me of that burst of emotions that I felt when I saw his innovative creativity and passion. 

31. I am a Christian. 
Religion to me is not seen as a religion but just a way of life. 


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